If you are missing any teeth, you have probably noticed their absence can cause quite a disruption in your everyday routine. It is possible that missing teeth may even have a negative impact on speaking and eating, making it difficult to participate in even basic daily activities. If you can relate to these problems, you should consider dental restoration treatments that can be used to fill in these empty spaces in your mouth.
Here at Millennium Dental we offer dentures over implants as well as other dental restoration services. These dentures over implants are beneficial in many ways, and our patients have been very happy with the results from this treatment.
It is common to use dentures when teeth are missing, and either full or partial dentures might be suggested depending on the number of natural teeth that are left in the mouth. Traditional dentures are actually one of the cheapest treatments for dental restoration, but there are other benefits that are available from some of the other services that we offer, including overdentures.
Traditional dentures stay in the mouth with adhesive; some people find this causes difficultly in keeping their dentures in place throughout the day. Another common problem with traditional dentures is the irritation that they cause to the gums, and may eventually cause sores to develop on the surface of the gums. This is not the case with implant overdentures.
To solve these problems, you might consider dentures over implants, which provide a connection point where the dentures can be secured in your mouth. Instead of using a bonding solution to hold the dentures in place, implants are placed within the jaw where the dentures can be connected and secured. These clips are built in, allowing natural functions throughout the day, such as eating and talking.
Typically, full dentures are suggested if a person is missing all of their teeth, or if they only have a few remaining teeth left. If full dentures are needed then the remaining teeth will need to be pulled to make room for the set of dentures. On the other hand, partial dentures can be used to fill in the space where multiple teeth are missing. The benefit of a partial set of dentures is that you can enjoy a full smile without the need to pull any remaining teeth for the full denture set. With implant supported overdentures, we can do either full or partial sets of dentures.
There are many benefits to using either partial dentures or full tooth supported overdentures. If you are interested in learning more about these treatments, we invite you to contact us to schedule a consultation in our office. Call us today!